Boo Boo’s Sweet Potato Pies, is proud to announce that we are now officially certified as a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE). We are looking forward to working with and competing for government and commercial procurement contracts.

Thanks, to everyone for your support and keep an eye out for Boo Boo’s we’re on our way to a place near you!

The Best Pie In Town

About Us

Copyright © BooBoo's Pies. All rights Reserved.

Booboo's Pies


of Operation

“I make each pie with love and I enjoy every second of it!"


Deliveries Available
Tue & Wed

​8:30 am - 3:30 pm

$5 charge for local deliveries with a $10  minimum.

A pie from the heart

Boo Boo’s Sweet Potato Pies is the result of a 10-year dream. My husband loves Sweet Potato Pie, so I began working with this formula to make this pie taste to his satisfaction. I continued adjusting the ingredients until one day he said that’s it, he loved it. (Don’t ever change it). We talked about starting a business for years, and began telling family members about the pie and shared it at family reunions. All we heard was, "that is so good, who made the sweet potato pie?????"  After years of talking and dreaming of sharing this pie with the world. My husband told me he was unable to sleep for 3 nights in a row. All he heard was start the business he had sweet potato pie to the brain! :)  NOW There’s sweet potato pie, and There’s Boo Boo’s Boo-ba-licious. Oh My God!

The Name Boo Boo is the result of our grandchildren who all refer to me, their Grandmother, as Boo Boo. A lot of Love has been put into the creation of these pies. Our goal is to make having pie a relaxing and enjoyable experience!  

Our Mission

Boo Boo’s Sweet Potato Pies is on a journey to bring the fresh taste of homemade Sweet Potato Pies to grocery stores, restaurants, schools, prisons, and retail outlets across the USA. We want to create a working atmosphere of unity, joy, and excitement. We also intend to expand our product line, because we place an emphasis on passion and love in our food product creations. We are hopeful that through the process of sharing our product, we will attain the notoriety and sponsorship we desire with investors. Our mission is to work and produce food that is enjoyable and satisfying to the consumer. We look forward to serving you and thank you for your support

Our Vision

We believe our business was spiritually inspired. That being said it is our inspiration, and hope that through our prosperity, we can help others achieve their goals through scholarships, mentoring, and helping other resource programs. Boo Boo’s Sweet Potato Pies is currently a small company with a Big Vision! We care about people and want to be in position to show others someone cares. We hope everyone with a desire to enjoy life will get the opportunity. See your vision and strive to achieve!